Get your online customer to the physical store
Offer them a personal shopping experience during slow hours.High streets lack online shoppers. Up-sell experience of browsing by connecting multi-channel conversion strategies.
By making shoppers feel king and queen again, brick and mortar will find a new identity. Offer scheduled VIP-shopping.
Physical shopping experience, revalued
Empty shopping streets and record online sales squeeze your offline profits. We offer your customers every reason to visit AND to buy through cross-channel retailing. Your personal VIP-service is so exceptionally high, customers insist on you having their business.
Listen, engage and activate your customers
How to defeat ‘shop-try, online-buy’ store browsing? A continuing online conversation in your real-life store builds on a personal trust level much easier. The personal engagement forms an excellent conversion and repurchase basis. When satisfied customers leave your store, all they want is to share their excitement with friends. And so they can, immediately!
Offer every customer a ‘VIP-shopping’ treatment
Do not lock up your store when giving your customers that ‘Popstar’ shopping experience. Just personally attend to their pre-qualified wishes by your best-suited personnel. Most goods may be ordered from (your) online channels, your distinctive brand value is reinvented in your stores and reconfirmed by yet another satisfied customer, using their personal voice.
Convert your online conversation into an in-store engagement
getBIZZI enables your cross-media marketing campaigns to result in just one thing: an active lead ready to purchase, online or offline. You decide how to close that loop; we make sure your offer includes a personal assistance solution too. In the end, your customers will be excited by their purchase but the real retail therapy value comes from the personal attention and service given.
Local conversation starters: invite nearby consumers
It happens that passers-by do not notice your costly street communication because of being engaged in online social conversations. Initiate contact, using smartphone coupons, digital push beacons adding incentives that generate additional store traffic. We promise you can live up to the availability, 24/7.