getBIZZI laat klanten online afspreken

Did you start a new website but new clients still do not sign-up? Use getBIZZI’s free scheduling service to get business rolling. Signup for an account and easily copy and paste the calendar-code anywhere on your website to invite new clients in. Generate business with your website today!

Start complete free, for as long as you like, with one appointment type, used as often as you want. Once your clients get used to the benefits, you decide if and when to upgrade to add more possibilities.

Client management

Manage your offered services everywhere. One schedule overview of incoming and planned services. Confirm or rearrange appointments from your mobile device. Focus on the best part of your job and earn some money on the side. Create your website and manage your daily business with getBIZZI.

Your website should make you money

Entrepreneurs like yourself prefer hassle-free, client welcoming websites, directly linking your available professional services generating business. You start with one continously free appointment type, used as often as you like. While expanding your services, you easily can upgrade to a professional license at €12 per month, to get more types of bookings at the time you prefer to have them. Quit spending on non-converting ad campaigns.

Sign up using below button, get your unique website address and start building your client base, now!

Guide your visitors, convert satisfaction

Why should you guide your customers before, during or after service? Ask your visitor short questions to learn about specific needs, get basic information to use during a face-to-face encounter or find out about the level of satisfaction. Information for which you normally spend hours on the phone, can now be implemented at an optional €8 per month. Just build a deeper client relationships, even faster.

Free direct campaigns, more paid options

getBIZZI offers many opportunities to optimize your business revenue like the rSVP feature as an online marketing tool. This free option helps, for example, to remarket and activate slow business hours with special discounts directly sent to loyal customers or to target a specific hesitant client group.

At an optional €6 per month, call4DUTY enables you to send out specific requests to only those qualified for the job. Acting as an event resource manager, the organization turns out to go down much smoother, knowing you only called in trained people.

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